Rangkaian Dasar Regulator Diode Zener
Simple circuit regulator , working on the zener breakdown voltage so that it produces the same output with the zener voltage, however, this circuit is only useful if the current burden of not more than 50mA. simple circuit regulator using zener diode can you see in the circuit under the scheme
With this design approach, you must check the power ratings of your output resistor and Zener diode to make sure they are able to handle the power requirements.
The power rating load of resistor and zener diode must be at least of they are able to handle
Rangkaian Regulator Zener dengan Transistor
Iz is a minimum flow required by dioda to reach the zener voltage is zener breakdown. Large currents can be known from the datasheet that the size of the approximately 20 mA
If the required portion of greater flow, calculation of base flow in the IB on the circuit can not be ignored anymore. As is known, large currents IC akan proportionate flow straight to the IB or with the right formula
For such purpose, the transistor Q1 can be replaced with a Darlington tansistor usually have a value of b is quite large. With the Darlington transistor, the base flow of small currents can produce a larger IC
The power rating load of resistor and zener diode must be at least of they are able to handle
Rangkaian Regulator Zener dengan Transistor
Regulator This is basically the zener regulator is configured with an NPN transistor to produce a large amount of cash. V BE is the base-voltage emitor of the size of the transistor Q1 between 0.2 - 0.7 volt depending on the type of transistor used. By ignoring the current IB flowing in the transistor base, can be counted prisoners of R2 that is needed is:
Skema rangkaian Regulator menggunakan Diode Zener
Iz is a minimum flow required by dioda to reach the zener voltage is zener breakdown. Large currents can be known from the datasheet that the size of the approximately 20 mA
If the required portion of greater flow, calculation of base flow in the IB on the circuit can not be ignored anymore. As is known, large currents IC akan proportionate flow straight to the IB or with the right formula
For such purpose, the transistor Q1 can be replaced with a Darlington tansistor usually have a value of b is quite large. With the Darlington transistor, the base flow of small currents can produce a larger IC
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