Let us presume that the output is high and the capacitor C1 is fully discharged.C1 now starts charging via R2 and R1. When the voltage across C1 rises above that the Junction of R3 & R4,the output quickly switches to fully negative voltage.C1 now starts discharging and charges in the opposite direction.Again,when the negative voltage across C1 falls below that at pin 3,the circuit switches back quickly to the fully positive output value.The cycle repeats endlessly.

Skema Rangkaian Osilator varibel 1Hz-10Khz
Note:* The circuit has to be powered from a +9/-9 V DC dual power supply .
* The frequency of output can be varied by varying POT R1.
* The frequency range can be adjusted by changing the value of R3,R4 or C1.
The UA741 is a high performance monolithic operational amplifier constructed on a single silicon chip. It is intented for a wide range of analog applications.
- Summing amplifier
- Voltage follower
- Integrator
- Active filter
- Function generator

Absolute maximum rating Ic UA741
- Symbol Parameter UA741M UA741I UA741C Unit
- Supply voltage (VCC) ±22 V
- Differential Input Voltage (Vid ) ±30 V
- Input Voltage (Vi ) ±15 V
- Power Dissipation (Ptot) 500 mW
- Storage Temperature Range (Tstg) -65 to +150 °C
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