Friday, August 10, 2012

Rangkaian Driver Led Dot Matrix 8 X 8

on a series of below you can find out how to drive an led matrix with 64 LEDs (8 rows by 8 columns - 8x8 display) or less eg 35 LEDs (7 rows by 5 columns - 5X7 dot matrix). Driving a 64 LED matrix display is quite simple and just requires

matrix led drive for more eg 128 or multiplier you can develop its own.

Rangkain Driver Led Dot Matrix 8 X 8 Skema Rangkain Driver Led Dot Matrix 8 X 8

It uses persistence of vision to let you drive the 64 led matrix with only 10 microcontroller outputs! Normally you would need 64 outputs for 64 LEDs but by using multiplexing and a helper chip you can get away with 10.

LED Display multiplexing simply means turning on one led for a short period of time and doing this repeatedly for each LED.

If you do this fast enough then your eye will not notice any flicker.

Note: The unit used in this project is simply an array of 64 LEDs.
The LEDs are no different to any other LEDs but it saves a huge amount of soldering as all the wiring has been done for you.Or you could wire it up yourself if you can't get hold of the module.
If you wire it yourself you still only need 10 control wires (just wire you leds the same as shown in the module diagram).

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